Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Garden, grub & a gift!

This weekend was quiet; a rare occurrence in our house! We had planned that friends were coming to stay and some Couch Surfers too, but as it worked out no one came, Simon's cousin moved out and was only Simon, Isaac, Rinny and I. It was lovely.

I had an unexpected night out with most of my NCT girlfriends to say goodbye to Maria who is moving away. The meal was fabulous (as it always is at Le Bistrot Pierre) and proved to be highly entertaining as the night wore on! Pictures not posted to protect the innocent ;-)

Our little dog, Rinny, was quite poorly last week. She was sick a few times and not herself at all. I took her to the vet on Friday evening & she received an injection to stop her being sick. That seemed to do the trick, along with not eating for a few days and you'll be pleased to know she's now back to her insane, couch hogging, incessant ball chasing, voracious self!

On Sunday Isaac woke up with a ridiculously cute tuft of hair sticking out which stayed there all day.

We were (and still are) shrouded by oppressive dark clouds (where did Summer go?!) so when the sun came out we legged it outside to get some vitamin D!

We wanted to go the route of baby led weaning, but Isaac doesn't get the food in his mouth fast enough to not get fed up with being hungry. Sometimes he just don't wanna eat and on these rare occasions we let him loose on the food. Which he likes. I think the dog likes it more as she always does very well!

I've known since being a child that the box is always more fun than the toy. It seems the same is true for blankets. This IKEA blanket/throw thing is the source of much happy time spent with Little Man. He particularly likes having it thrown over him so he can fight his way out.

He also likes lying under it with his Mama. Sometimes. When he's not too busy Wiggling!

As I said, Simon's cousin moved out this weekend and during the process we gained a very generous gift of a keyboard. On the same day that someone told me I should learn to play the piano no less!! Isaac loves playing on it. He loves the dials and buttons & has actually made some pretty awesome music on it so far!

Here's something else to add to the list of things he's *going* to be - virtuoso!

Next weekend: carnival fun and possibly camping *fingers crossed*

1 comment:

  1. Glad you've got the keyboard. When you were at Arnold Lodge the music master said you were musical and should be learning to play 2 instreuments but you would have none of it .... better late than never and I'm so please Isaac likes it.

    Love you all


    p.s.glad Rin is her usual self again.


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