Thursday, September 30, 2010


Isaac has been pulling himself up on various things for a while now so, after consulting with a few Mums, I decided to take the plunge and buy him his first little pair of shoes!

There are different perspectives on children and shoes. Some say they aren't necessary until a child is ready to walk outside, other people seem to have them in mini Timberland boots & Converse from birth. We made a point of not buying pram shoes because A) they aren't necessary & B) they don't help the development of baby feet.

I still intend to keep him barefoot at home and, now, shoes on when we're out & about. I think the grip will help him when we're out, socks can be a bit slippy.

He was so funny in the shop. He beamed like a loon when the lady put his shoes on. Then I helped him stand for his photo; every time she went to take the picture he looked down at his shoes & then looked up, grinning. Then down again, then up again, beaming. I thought I was going to cry when she put them on him. It might not seem like a lot to you, but shoes are apparently a big first for us.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Post birthday mega update

I've felt reclusive over the past few weeks, hence no posts. I think it's mostly to do with the change in season; it's now officially autumn! How can I tell? I'm wearing tights and Isaac is wearing socks, neither of which can be hung outside to dry.

Here follows an Isaac update of mega proportions.


Isaac is doing very well with feeding himself nowadays; he mostly feeds himself with his spoon &/or fork & lets me collate the damage into one final spoonful. It's our little agreement. He eats and loves a wide variety of foods & usually has the same as us, which makes mealtimes very easy, but here are a few of his favourites.

  • Breakfast - still whole wheat cereal biscuits (Weetabix type efforts, but not made by Weetabix), home-made hemp milk & a mashed up banana followed by a piece of toast with either pear & apple spread or Natex (like Marmite, not as salty). He's also partial to lemon curd. Mmm...lemon curd...
  • Lunch - humous (plain, lemon & coriander, red pepper, sun-dried tomato, roasted vegetable) & mini bread sticks
  • Tea - it's a toss up between coconut-cauliflower chana or tofu saag. Yup, I know! The boy loves his spicy food! HURRAY!
  • Naughty tea - alphabetti on toast (when Mummy is: Just. Too. Tired.)
  • Fruit - blueberries. If he had his way and we were made of money I suspect he'd eat a punnet a day.
  • Snack - Organix alphabet biscuits or mini rice cakes (apple & cinnamon or pumpkin & carrot)
  • Milk - breast is still best for the Wiggler. We're down to three feeds per day now. 1st - before breakfast upon waking, 2nd - after 1st nap around 11ish & 3rd - before bed. He dropped the afternoon one himself. I gathered he didn't want it when he started to squirm & push away...three days on the trot! I'm not sure what we're going to do about milk replacement. Everyone else I know is moving onto cows milk, but we all know how I feel about that. I've read that almond milk is high in calcium & other vitamins/minerals/fats/proteins so may try that. It's pretty easy to make too, although will need to remember to soak the nuts. He had it before I started to make hemp milk so I know he isn't allergic to it and it's quite naturally sweet anyway. Hmm. *ponders*

Isaac is well & truly on the move now. He still commando crawls everywhere, but really rather quickly! He's started to crawl on his hands & knees a bit too & sometimes he'll shuffle forwards upright on his knees. He pulls himself up using me & Simon, the sofa & the coffee table. You can tell how high he ventures by which shelf of DVDs is in disarray! 

Play time
Master Chef 2010
He loves playing with his different toys & spends the most time with his wooden ones and the things that aren't created as toys, such as empty containers, kitchen utensils, the telephone, camera battery chargers, spectacle cases etc. He loves things that make noise and enjoys smacking seven kinds of musical s**t of the keyboard. He also likes an app I have on my phone called Toddler Lock. It's basically a black screen on which you draw lines & shapes by tracing your finger on the screen or tapping it. It's good because only an adult or older child would know how to unlock the phone from the app so no deleted stuff! I don't like him using it much & only really use it as a last resort. (i.e.: when I'm coming around in the morning and his toys just aren't cutting it, or when we're out & about & have run out of things to play with, which isn't often as he's so easily amused!

He also loves playing with the dog. He lurches at her to give her cuddles now and has recently learned how to thrown her ball for her to chase. It doesn't go very far, but she joins in and  it's very cute to watch; I think Rinny is warming to him. It freaked her out massively when he started to move and she was very nervous. This created a catch 22 for her because she'd use me for protection, but at the same time Isaac would be using me as a climbing frame! No escape for the pooch. I like to think it's payback for all the times she never lets up with her ball. Revenge, dog, suck it up. 

Of course he loves having play time with Mummy & Daddy, although it seems we start out playing to entertain Isaac & then it turns into us playing & he's buggered off to do something else because he's bored with watching the paper aeroplane/bouncy ball go back & forth for the 80th time. He likes to climb on us and if we roll a ball at him he'll push it back. He also likes bashing balloons around - great fun! 

One of his favourite pastimes of late is taking off & replacing the lids of pens. Felt tips, biros, gel pens...whatever. Any kind of pen. He loves it. Hew also drew his first picture a few days ago. It's really a piece of A4 covered in green squiggles, but it made me proud nonetheless. He didn't even get any on the floor!

He loves swimming and I try to take him when I can. We usually all go together on a Sunday morning for the parent & child session in the teaching pool, but coughs & other activites have kept us away lately. Will see how we all are this weekend perhaps?


Isaac really isn't a fan of having is nappy changed any more. I've found that giving him different things to investigate while I do it helps to distract him. I keep a small stash of objects in the drawer under his changing mat for this purpose.

Without sounding smug, there isn't a whole lot else that makes him upset or grumpy, other than being tired  or hungry & no one likes that do they? He's a very happy little chap & we're always complimented on his smile when we're out.


He's been sleeping through for a good few weeks again now. HURRAH! He goes to bed between 7 & 8pm depending on how he is & then wakes between 6.30 & 8am. He still naps twice a day. Times vary, again depending on how he is, but he has a morning & afternoon nap. At one point I thought he might have been gearing towards one big middle of the day nap because he slept for 2 1/2 hours in the late morning, but he's changed his naps so that it now seems to be the afternoon one that's longer. Go figure. Babies toddlers huh?


I sometimes think I have a mogwai rather than a human baby. The vocal similarities between Isaac and Gizmo are astounding. It's very cute. Then he does he's thrash metal growl and even that is cute.

We still use the carrier. I'm particularly grateful for this as the weather is decidedly more autumnal than summery now, brr! It's different to this time last year because I could put a hoodie over the top of him & the sling & zip it up around us both, but now there's a lot more of him so I usually unzip my sweater & have it on, but open under the carrier. This keeps us both warm & prevents Mummy from passing out through overheating. We shall see how this goes. I've bought him a coat for the colder months & we've still got the special socks to keep him legs/feet warm when it becomes bitterly cold. I shall sincerely miss him when he's too big to be carried, but that's a few years away yet! He likes being able to see everything from my perspective and is interested in it ALL. I would call him nosey, but that isn't the right word. Insquisitive methinks.

"Inquisitive" and pulling himself up, all in the space of 5 minutes!
We still meet up with the NCTs sporadically. It's so lovely to see them all growing and changing & to hear funny parenting stories. The ones that are going have nearly all gone back to work now so it's trickier to have a time when we can all meet up, especially with constantly changing nap times. C'est la vie.

Isaac's got his first real little cold & cough at the moment. I think that nearly 13 months without sniffles is pretty good going really. We've been giving him the Nelson's cough syrup & I've been taking echinacea for mine. Seems to have done the trick with the cough & the runny nosey-ness is clearing up now. It hasn't been traumatic in the slightest and hasn't interfered with food much either. In-fact, it only lasted a few days!

He gets on very well with his sisters and they like him lots too. They came to stay for a week last week while their Mum & boyfriend had a week away. We had a lovely time! I think I was dreading it; weekends are sometimes a strain when it comes to keeping them entertained, but no one was bored and I did lots of stuff with the girls while Isaac napped when we got home from the epic hour-long school run (so called because they live on the other side of Derby from us, but we managed just fine). Roisin started her reception class this year and is making some little friends of her own which is GREAT news. She's only been there a few weeks, but already it's made a hugely positive impact on how she is. Aoife is doing very well in her class, she really is a very bright little girl.

In short, it all going well. We're all poottling along happily. Nothing major to report. Rest assured when something massive happens, you will know!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Freezer paper stencilling...with children!

In a bid to steer the girls away from so much TV I cracked out the freezer paper and fabric paints. I haven't done any since Isaac's last two shirts (lion, tortoise) and felt it was time for another one; and what better way to spend a Saturday morning? Here are the results.

L-R: Aoife's, mine & Roisin's
The girls had a great time doing the drawing & painting. I think the most difficult bit for them was waiting for it to be dry. This wasn't so bad as we'd booked to take them to a children's play at the local theatre studio so the paint was dry by the time they got home.


This was the first time either of them had done this and it was the first time I'd supervised anything like it. For future projects I think I need to be more instructive, i.e.: "draw me a strawberry" or "draw me a teddy bear." Roisin got a bit carried away with her drawing and included sky & background so I explained that we could only really use the girl for the stencil, but she could paint other stuff on after which she was happy with. Might need to be more clear when explaining, but then too much explanation and they lose interest. Catch 22!

I know they had fun & it was a valuable lesson for me in letting go of some of my perfectionist neuroses. The kids are used to dunking their brushes in cheap poster paint tubs and slapping the paint on rather than delicately dabbing at the excess paint inside  the lids of quite-expensive-for-the-amount-you-get fabric paints and then stretching the paint out on the fabric. I just kept reminding myself "only 6 & 4" and it went really well. I could really tell that Aoife's now starting to think about things more rather than charging ahead and being upset when it doesn't look how she expected it to. It's lovely to see Roisin drawing actual people and things, since she started school her drawing has come on leaps & bounds.

Goodness knows how (in-fact I do know how - they're kids) they got paint all over their fingers/elbows etc, some of which ended up on the shirts. An additional whale on Aoife's shirt and a cunningly placed balloon on Roisin's meant the worst was disguised. They are only 6 & 4 after all so I think they did extremely well!

Just for good measure - Roising & Isaac playing after the shirts were done.

He's not quite sure what to make of Rosh sometimes!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

12 month musings

Dear Isaac

As I start to write this it is 11.09pm on Monday 6th September 2010. You are asleep upstairs in your cot. Daddy has gone to bed and Grandad has too. We've had a busy weekend, but I can't make myself tired or want to sleep just yet; my mind wanders back to this time last year. 

About now I'd be waiting for the hospital staff to take me into the operating theatre to deliver you. My eyes sting thinking about it. It was all such a blur. I was so tired after hours of being in labour. I kept crying then too and thinking, just focus on this minute, one minute at a time. It hadn't even dawned on me that I'd get to meet you! My womb occupant of the previous 42 weeks. I knew you were in there and that you were coming out, but never in a million years did I dream that you'd be who you are. 

You are amazing Little Man. From the first moment I saw you and you sneezed I was in love. In love with you my son, in love with being a Mother, in love with your Daddy for making you possible. I can honestly say it was the most surreal moment of my life, purely in a good way. I wanted to hold you so badly.

11.21pm now, getting closer. As anyone can see, you've changed my life completely. Definitely for the better. I know, deep down in my soul that I couldn't ever be the person I was before I met you. I wouldn't want to either - I'd feel I'd rejected your lessons in patience, love, tolerance, forgiveness, awareness, letting go... the list goes on. You've encouraged me to be stronger and to stick to what I believe is right.

Enough about me on your birthday. You've learned so much in your first year. Only the other day I was showing you that things exist even if you can't see them and you already knew! Your Daddy and I are very proud of you. We are especially proud of how well you've coped with growing teeth. You are such a brave Little Man and barely make a fuss if you are hurt or take a bump. 
11.32pm. I've just heard you on the monitor muttering something in your sleep; it's brought me out of my memories. Daddy and I love how you chatter away, even when you're doing something else that takes your concentration, you're such a happy little soul. You really do bring a ray of sunshine everywhere with you, even when you're asleep!

 11.41pm. I'm nervous now, watching the seconds tick by.

11.42pm. Here we are then, Isaac. Exactly one Gregorian calendar year since you breathed your first breath of atmosphere, since you sneezed and cried, since Daddy and I saw you and grinned like idiots.

Rest safe in the knowledge that Daddy and I will love you always because you are our son. Half me, half Daddy. We made you from scratch, just us, because we wanted you more than anything else.

Happy birthday darling. Here's to many more happy, wonderful, celebratory birthdays.

Love and so much more


Saturday, September 04, 2010