Thursday, November 10, 2011

Since we last saw you...

Isaac's had a birthday
we've been to some play groups
we've taken Rinny for walks
Isaac's kicked some footballs
we've hung out with friends and tried on their sun glasses [post cake]
Isaac' been to a Halloween party with his sisters
and we've done a fair bit of mucking about
We've also had our fair share of tantrums, snotty noses, bloody lips, nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!s, heart ache and tears. It's all about balance, right?

Life is still settling. We'll get there and hopefully my words will come back too and I can articulate myself again. Until then eh?


  1. The ords will come back my darling, you have always been articulate. Life is just making you have a time-out at the moment. Your adorable child gives so much joy and I love looking at the pictures. Don't forget the saying ' Apicture paints a thousand words', so use your pictures to speak for you and keep them coming.
    All love
    Mum xxxxx

  2. I looks like you're having a lot of fun. Sometimes life just takes over, doesn't it? Take the time that you need and you'll find your groove x


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