Monday, January 18, 2010

Getting my craft (back) on…again…and breastfeeding gush

So I couldn't help myself. I've stencilled again!!


I think I like his face the most...smug, yet benign.I couldn't stop myself buying some plain tops today from H&M. Watch this space for more freezer paper antics!

Isaac at 12 weeks, with hat
In other crafty news, Isaac needs a slightly bigger hat. The one pictured left is now not quite big enough to comfortably keep his 19 week old cranium completely covered. It's amazing the growth that occurs in only 6 weeks! *scratches head & tries to remember what size hook was used for this hat*

Now for the breastfeeding. The more I learn about breastfeeding, the more I marvel at the wonder and beauty of nature. We went to our NCT weaning course on Sunday, yesterday. We got onto mixing breast milk with mashed up fruit etc in the early days of weaning to up the calorific value and so we talked about expressing. Now, I've given up trying to express because it's soul destroying to only get 1/2 oz from each boob each time. What I didn't realise is (and call me stupid for not) that if you do it regularly at the same time every day, your body actually starts to produce more at that specific time. WOW! That wow has 2 parts - A) I cannot believe that I missed that completely. You really do lose part of your brain post-birth huh? B) How incredible is that? How totally and utterly mind bogglingly amazing? Not only does the human female body  provide everything a baby needs up to approximately 8 months (depending on which government you decide to listen to), it constantly changes it's milk production to meet the exact needs of its growing baby, factoring in such things as illness (& the provision of antibodies) and calorific content AND it can schedule in additional production times/change feeding schedules/reduce feeding schedules in accordance with the baby/ies feeding from it. Now that's what I call absolute perfection.

Right, I've gushed enough for one evening. T'ra!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just sww your comment on my blog at From a Sesame Seed. I also have had a very hard time pumping and have had to...grudgingly...resort to formula when I need to leave Shiloh with someone. This has interfered with my milk production, so I am now actively trying to bring my milk back to form. It feels so helpless that I can't feed her as well now.

    Formula is so dang expensive!!

    Isaac is so cute, and I look forward to following you. I am going to start posting more again as well...Shiloh was born 9/3 so it will be fun to compare how our lives go!


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