Friday, June 25, 2010


...Isaac's tongue!

Today, Isaac has been [mostly] introducing his tongue to the world and using his mouth to make a clicking sound; hilarious! Today is the first day he's really done this & he CAN'T GET ENOUGH! He finds it very amusing, as do I if I'm honest.

Over the past few weeks he has started to really like to passing things to you, as long as you give them back. Well, I don't think he has any expectations, but he's always pleased to get the item in question back. What a generous wee chappie young Master Turner is!

We also went to TinyTalk for the first time. It's excellent! The woman that runs it is possibly the most enthusiastic woman in the world, which is a good thing when teaching babies to sign. We learned the signs for hot, cold, rain, heavy rain, water and look/see. I also picked up the signs for all gone, water and happy from Steph (NCT chum). We're going back & even bought a CD of songs. There are only 3 more classes this term so will have to make the most of them. I'm glad we've finally gone - it'll do us good and Isaac seemed to enjoy it!

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