We had our 6 - 12 month review today. He's doing everything he *should* be doing (i.e.: sitting on his own, passing objects from hand to hand, eating solid food regularly and other such NHS check list items).
The biggest news is that Isaac is now officially [just] back on the WHO breastfed baby weight-for-age chart! He had dropped off, which was of course, a concern (!) for my local HV team, but not so much for me. I adopted the stance that he's always been healthy, extremely happy and doing everything he should, while being a little on the small side. I'd much rather he was underweight (within reason) than overweight; there are so many awful diseases and illnesses connected with childhood obesity. Childhood obesity; it's just not right, but that's a whole other post on a whole other blog!
So, as of 9 months (ish), Isaac is 16lbs (approx 7.25kg). Which is still on the small side according to a piece of paper, but at least the crazy [almost] vegan lady's son isn't a worry for the Abbey HV team anymore. He didn't even cry on the scales! I speak to a fair few Mums who mostly all tell me the same - their breastfed babies were "small".
Anyhoo, he looks good enough to eat to me!
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