Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sanity project dies a death

I woke up this morning at 4.13am. As I couldn't get back to sleep I decided to get up and carry on with my crochet project of the past week (the Froufrou cardigan from Debbie Stoller’s The Happy Hooker).
This is the company I had.

Out for the count, with snores
Clearly Rinny can't hack lack of sleep. I wonder how having a newborn will affect her? Hmm...
I called it my sanity project because it has literally been savings my sanity since I ran out of things to do at home while on maternity leave and I'm apparently not a nester (not yet anyway - I did wake up today with maniacally obsessed thoughts of hoovering, dusting and baking, but as the day progressed I just couldn't be ARSED!!! Saying that I made cookies this evening :-)) I've unpicked bits of it a few times because my pregnant eyes have misread the pattern/stitch instructions, but all was going well and nearly finished with only a modicum of sleeve concern. Today I sewed the seams together. I put it on to realise that a) the sleeves are waaaaaaaaaaaay to long and wide (as I'd suspected), b) I'd misread the pattern early on and made the back 21 rows too long so that c) the front pieces and back pieces were different lengths and what should be a fairly flattering wrap over cardi looked more like a dressing gown created by Mrs Weasley. Needless to say there isn't any photographic evidence of my monumental blunder apart from this:

Cardi is no more
I'm now debating whether to make it again using different measurements to or use the yarn for something else. I suspect I'll make it again, but not for a while. I'm somewhat deflated and feeling the need for more hats in different colours!

On a completely different note, I read somewhere that raspberry leaf tea can be frozen as ice cubes to suck during labour which struck me as a brilliant idea, but thought they might get a little cold and mouth hurty, so I made lollies using my new ice lolly moulds instead! They are nicely frozen and ready for labour. They even have drip catchers with straws on the bottom :-)

The Wiggler has definitely Wiggled™ its way further down; I feel a little like I've got a small honeydew melon (forgive the fruit metaphor, but it fits the bill weight/size wise) in my pelvis. Brains are heavy I suppose. It's further down than yesterday and more forward, any further &  it'll be falling out! I guess that's the idea (!)

Nothing else to report!

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