Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mental pregnant woman eats her words

I am officially going mental. I phoned the doctor's surgery today to ask what LMP date I gave at the time of my first doctor's appointment after I discovered I was pregnant. The date I gave was 22nd November, not 30th therefore, making my LMP EDD as calculated by Naegele's Rule 30th August 2009. If the calculation is adjusted to allow for my slightly shorter menstrual cycle then my EDD is...TODAY! Which isn't so far behind the scan date. *eats humble pie*

However! Never content to agree with science, I've been doing more reading about EDDs. Misha Safranski raises an interesting point in her article ("The Lie of the EDD: Why Your Due Date Isn't When You Think") about the inaccuracy of Naegele's Rule. "Strictly speaking, a lunar (or synodic - from new moon to new moon) month is actually 29.53 days, which makes 10 lunar months roughly 295 days, a full 15 days longer than the 280 days gestation we've been lead to believe is average." She goes on to quote recent(ish) research: "In 1990 Mittendorf et Al. undertook a study to calculate the average length of uncomplicated human pregnancy. They found that for first time mothers (nulliparas) pregnancy lasted an average of 288 days (41 weeks 1 day)...To easily calculate this EDD formula, a nullipara would take the LMP, subtract 3 months, then add 15 days."

So, based on this calculation my EDD would be 6th September 2009. Er, hang on...this is the same date I worked out with my mental pregnant brain yesterday thinking my LMP was 30th November! As my menstrual cycles are shorter by 2 days than the standard 28 days it could be that the Wiggler is due on 4th September after all. Good grief.

The fact remains that I still don't want to be induced.

So now...that I have my dates straight:

I know it'll come when it's ready and you can never really tell, but I've got to do something with all this free time right? Can you tell that I'm going a bit nuts at home...? BRING ON THE BABY!

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