Friday, February 25, 2011

Art of Crochet squares 9 - 16

I've really left this far too long to post about, but hey. So.

Square 9.
A plain DC (US) square with an Aztec-style design embroidered on. You know how I feel about embroidery on crochet, so I used "Circle in a square" from 200 Crochet Blocks. I omitted the last round of the pattern to keep the square 13cm.

Square 10.
A mesh pattern square. Easy and very quick to crochet.Not sure I'd choose it for a throw I was designing myself, but I'll see how I feel about it when it's in-situ.
Square 11.
My first go at intarsia. Not so pleased with the colour changes; I know I could've made them neater had I read the pattern properly (I'm a bugger for Still, now I know it's possible so I expect I'll incorporate it into my own crochet at some point in't future.
 Square 12.
My second ever granny! I completely forgot how to do them, but was quickly reminded. I do like grannies. Hurrah!
 Square 13.
The second repeating square, this time with an "aubergine" diamond on a backgroud of "vanilla". Give me strength. Why not just call the colours what they are? Purple's purple and white's WHITE!!
 Square 14.
The first of a series of diagonal two-colour squares. I don't like how they end up more rectangular than square, but I expect that's me crocheting too loosely. Or maybe if I do HDC (US) instead of DC? Hmm. The mind boggles and I've done too many to frog them all now. Meh.
Square 15.
This was a square of plain DC (US) or HDC or SOMETHING with an Aztec-style lady embroidered on. I chose this square from 200 Crochet Blocks to substitute. I also chopped a bit out of the middle of the pattern to keep it the right size. Sailor blue? Pft. 

Square 16.
This was the square that started all the frogging of previous squares and serious pattern design questioning. As per previous post I decided to do all squares with the teeny embroidered star using granite stitch + tiny crocheted appliquéd star. The star features of both sides so that it looks less plain on the "back". 

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