Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Slightly adrift

Forgive my lack of posts; I haven't really felt like writing anything much of late. I have lots of ideas & photos are piling up on my phone, but the impetus to extract from my brain onto paper (as it were) is lacking. 

I haven't spent much time at home lately - approximately 6 days in-fact during the month of November. This sucks. I like being at home...with my boys. However, I've been needed elsewhere. But right now, this very moment, I'm sad because I've realised how little time I've spent at home...with both of my boys. 

After an horrific journey, some tears and a bath I'm now sitting alone in a hotel room listening to the fuzz on the monitor, feeling melancholy. To kill some time I've been sorting through my phone images (those aforementioned). I was more than  pleased to find a picture I took last month before all the weirdness, when we were just trundling along with our lives. It made me really very happy to see it again so I've decided to post it on here. 

I'll file it under "happy" & whenever I'm feeling sad I'll sneak a peek and it'll make me grin :-)

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