To my darling little boy
This time 6 months ago we were in hospital - you in your weird little plastic tank thing & me swooning over you like a love-struck teenager, albeit creakily - those staples hurt y'know!
How far we've come in these 6 months! We've had tears - so many tears! All a consequence of absolute love for our most precious of gifts. We've had laughter, too. So much laughter! You make us chuckle almost as much as you like to chuckle yourself - master of comedy. It really is incredible to see you develop and learn about the world about you, always curious as to your next move. Only a few days ago you were delighted to learn that your feet could be ticklish and tickled by you! Your fascination with the simplest of objects required that I see through your eyes - how new and exciting everything is again!
You melt my heart every day with your beautiful grin and gorgeous eyes. Your funny little open mouthed kisses on my cheek make everything else distant and unimportant. Knowing they are intended solely for me, your mother, is the greatest bounty. You are so small and fragile my son, so tiny and helpless. Your need for me is intoxicating.
The bond between us is overwhelming to say the least and I do feel its strain at times. BUT, Isaac Andrew Wiggler Turner, you are the best thing I have ever done. Nothing can change my love for you, nor would I wish it so. You have filled my days with such peaks and troughs! Only a parent could appreciate this kind of devoted undulating emotion. I wouldn't miss this for the world.
Love and so much more
This made me cry. It is exactly how I felt about you. I love the way you are able to put it into words and other people can experience your joy. I love you both so much my darling girl. xxx