Saturday, January 16, 2010

4 month update including The Weight Gain Issue

Bless me Father for I have been slack. It's been over a month since my last post!

Isaac is now 18 weeks old and officially in 3-6 month sized clothing :-) He's mostly such a happy wee chappy (only grumping when he wants something i.e.: food, clean nappy, sleep) with a smile for nearly everyone. He's (literally) getting to grips with his toys more and more each day; his developmental progress is incredible to watch. It's such a pleasure to see how he approaches things & observe thought processes being cultivated (hmm...I can use these arm and hand things to put that really exciting blue thing in my mouth!) You can see him learning! Amazing! It's all quite manageable at the moment because he's still stationary, but as he gets older I'm sure it'll be less cute & more - I wonder what happens if I put this down the loo?

Double handed elephant grab
So the festive period was lovely. We had planned to celebrate the Solstice, neither of us being Christian thus finding Christmas a little hypocritical, on 21st December, but our boiler's condensing pipe froze, several times, meaning that when we had planned to be out walking & doing Yule tidey things we were watching Dad re-route the pipe through the house so it didn't freeze again. We did go to Matlock to the Green Way Cafe on the 21st which was lovely. Dad treated us - and we had cake! On 25th we didn't really do anything, just stayed at home the 3 of us. Isaac had his first 2 hour nap since he was very small. It was weird!

He still sleeps well at night, and in the day, in our room in his pram thing. He knows it's time for sleep now. No buggering about with boob; just change nappy, put him in his bed, he rolls over onto his left side & off he goes. Helps enormously being able to tell what he wants & when. It's all about routine. He even fell asleep in the car seat/pushchair combo a few weeks ago. It was only for about 1/2 hour, but it's a start. We're definitely going to have to move the cot bed into our room in the not too distant future though because he's absolutely going to be too long for the pram thing soon. His length is good - following in between the 25th & 50th centile (for those that know) which is "normal" (for those that don't). His head circumference is about the same. His weight, however, remains a contentious issue. He has officially dropped off the  centiles on the WHO breastfed baby chart (average weight gain chart) which has my HV a little worried & wanting me to start weaning at 22 weeks 8O I'm not worried. He's fine dagnammit! He isn't bony or emaciated, merely slim. He eats when he's hungry, sleeps when he's tired, excretes as necessary (also "normal" according to the bumph) and the rest of the time he's busy playing, watching, chewing, smiling his face off, wiggling etc.

I've read that between the age of 4 & 6 months the human digestive tract matures to accommodate solid food, but there is no way of knowing when this happens. From reading people's experiences it would seem that those who were weaned too early develop digestive disorders such as IBS. I can see from a medical point of view that he isn't conforming to "normal" weight gain and that this could be bad because...he DOESN'T FIT ON THE GRAPH (!), but he really is happy enough and I don't want to rush him into eating before he's ready. Does he look underweight to you?

Mr Big Eyes
He might look a little slim, but that's because he's  NOT A PORKER!! :x Anyhoo, we have our NCT weaning course this Sunday so I'll ask about it then. Just as I thought breast feeding was going really well too :-\

Gosh - I digress. Back on track. Sleeping. Yes.

Bedtimes aren't the trauma they used to be. We have a little song that denotes bedtime. I swear blind that this helps him go off. We both sing it to him & give him a kiss, then I take him upstairs, change his nappy & put him in a sleep suit (while still singing the song) then take him into our room, put him in his bed, wish him goodnight & sort the covers & he's off within 10 minutes. No grumbling anymore. It seems that only when we don't do it in the right order he doesn't get off  to sleep properly, for instance if I've been in the bath with him & am drying myself etc while Simon gets him ready for bed. Again, it's all about routine. Hmm. I'm noticing similarities between child rearing & raising a puppy. Let's hope he doesn't turn out like Rinny!

Continuing the singing business - he LOVES it when I sing to him. Particular favourites include: The Grand Old Duke Of York and 1-2-3-4-5 Once I Caught A Fish Alive. With actions of course, usually involving lifting him up and down & he's a big fan of being wiggled about. Hearing him laugh is actually the best thing in the world. He's got such a funny little cute face when he does, all goofy & lovely :-) Daft sap Sarah...*slaps self out of Mummy stupor* ahem. With this in mind I'm definitely going to investigate the rhyme time group nearby. I don't think we'll do baby signing until he's about 6 months though. Don't want to overload the poor chap! I think it'll work best if we build it up gradually :mrgreen:

When we went the the doctor's for Isaac's 8 week check, Dr G said his right hip was clicking & to make an appointment at the hospital for an ultrasound to check that the joint had formed properly & was articulating correctly. Holy crumpet! That was 10 weeks ago! Anyhoo, I did & this week we went  to the hip clinic at Derby Royal Hospital. I'm pleased to report that "they don't come more normal than that". Isaac enjoyed his first bus ride and spent the whole time gawping out of the window at Derby whizzing past. On the way back he slept in-sling while Mummy tried her utmost not to break her neck on treacherous pavements.

I've signed us up for baby swimming. When I read about it on the Puddle Ducks website, the classes nearest to me were on a Wednesday afternoon which would've been ideal. They've now been moved to a Saturday afternoon which is turning out to be a logistical nightmare. what with step-sisters & other weekend activity. Should've listened to myself at the time of booking when I thought, Saturday? That'll never work. I'm going to see if I can swap to the other classes on a week day instead. They're further away, but the timing is better. I think he's more ready for stuff like that now. He's starting to stay awake for longer between naps and is more interested in other things.

I took him into town in the pushchair today. It felt weird not having him next to me in the sling. I felt guilty almost. He seemed OK & spent much of the time looking around. I've noticed that he likes his own time. Don't get me wrong - he likes to be cuddled & played with, but he really does enjoy alone time when I'm close by and he's doing things himself, even if it is just watching the world go by. He's got quite long for the sling now and I don't think he enjoys it as much anymore because he can't see so well what's happening around us. I do put him facing outward sometimes, but I'm loathe to do it too often. We've got our new carrier, but I'm going to wait until he's bigger to use it I think. I expect I'll use it like a backpack so I want to be confident that he'll be happy up there before I embark on that adventure.

I almost forgot - he fell asleep in his cot bed the other day! On his own! I sneakily put him in there while I was doing something, knowing it was his nap time, and I came back a few minutes later & he was zonked :-) He didn't sleep for as long as he usually does at nap time, but it was a big thing for us! Bodes well for the future (fingers crossed). I think it helps that he's comfortable in there already. He's used to it because we put him in there when we wash our hands after we change him; sometimes we put him in there just for something different for him to do with one of us being close by. He likes looking at the mobile I made for him & all the teddies we've been given.

Cine Babies was great, although not very busy at all, this month - not surprising with all the snow & ice. I've just checked & the next one (on 4th February) is *drum roll please* Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll!! Holy cow! I LOVE Cine Babies :-) I'll be gutted when he's too old to go. Will mean relegation to Cine Kids (kids films) & evening cinema for me without him :-(

So, next time will probably be 5 months? Until then...Pie out.

P.S.: Updated 17/01/10 13.18. Just been into town with him in the sling & all is good again. He was quite happy in it - I just need to tie it so that the pieces of fabric at the front are the other way round to the the way I usually tie it. This supports his head better (now that it's bigger) when he has a little sleepy. :mrgreen:

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