Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I did clean the windows yesterday - the downstairs back ones anyway. They really were disgusting, as was the kitchen floor.

Anyway, the news is that the Wiggler is partially engaged! Midwife wasn't going to tell me, so I asked. Apparently when 3 5ths of the head are in the pelvis she calls that being engaged, although this isn't what every midwife says. Pah - how am I supposed to know? I knew it must be though because I could feel it in my pelvis & I haven't been able to before, plus I could breathe more easily.

Had our first post-class NCT meet today at my house. I made brownies...mmm. Think they went down well - hurrah! Was really nice to meet up with everyone. One of the other ladies has step-children too! Phew! Now everybody knows & it's all OK. I was stressing, but it's all good. I think we're going to do lots of stuff together over the course of our maternity leave which is good. I've volunteered Simon to take a photo of all of the babies when they're out which will be nice :-)

1 comment:

  1. Not long now! I won't say good luck with it, because I don't understand the need for wishing people luck when they are due to have a baby, so rather than luck - Have fun!

    I've been reading your posts about baby sized clothes on the line and buying slings and things and it reminded me how exciting those last few weeks are before bubba arrives! So enjoy!


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