Tuesday, June 09, 2009


I really have to rant about this.

All the literature I've read tells me to enrol in a yoga class or aqua-natal class or something designed for pregnant women. Also that going to pregnancy groups helps you feel better by talking about stuff and generally being around other women who are going through the same/similar things.


I work full time (8am-4pm Monday to Friday). All the yoga/aqua-natal classes and mother & baby groups are held WHEN I'M AT WORK! "Pop along at 10.30am on Wednesdays" - that's no bloody good is it? Where are the evening ones, or is the assumption that we'll be so tired by then that we won't want to go. Work aren't going to give me time off so I can go are they?? They already give me time off for antenatal appointments.

The really frustrating this is I know that this stuff really will help. There are things that Simon just doesn't understand - how can he? He doesn't have a womb, or leaky nipples, or freakish inside tickling, or swollen ankles, or irrational mood swings. I can't even go out and drown my sorrows :-(.

I have 2 weeks maternity leave before my due date and there's a possibility that Wiggler might make his/her grand entrance early so that's even better! Can't even cram some in then. Although, I'll be so huge I probably won't want to get off the sofa.

It takes the biscuit and makes me MAD!


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