Monday, February 02, 2009

Off work...still

I'm still off work! I was feeling much better last night then lo and behold I wake up this morning with massively swollen glands and an incredibly tender neck. What that all about?! I managed to get the doctors appointment that work wanted me to. He checked me over and said everything was fine. I forgot to take my pregnancy notes with me (argh!) so he couldn't write on there that I'd seen him, but I guess it'll be on my regular notes. So everything is fine and it's all normal early pregnancy stuff, feeling shattered to the point of falling asleep at work. He doesn't think I'm anaemic which is good.  In his words "it's all quite normal, you'll just have to struggle on with it as you are and work will have to understand." How do I put that in a way that won't irk them??

To ice the cake as it were, we're having our boiler and radiators changed Monday through Wednesday. It's snowing and -3 degrees Celsius. We haven't any heating, with the exception of small oil heater on loan from Simon's Mum and a panel heater; the house is thus terrifically cold! Simon made his sandwiches in his coat this morning! Bless him.

We wanted to wait until our 12 week scan before we told people, but we were just too excited!! I suppose everyone we see more often than not now knows. Me not drinking is a dead give away, also the fact no one's seen me since our house warming party! I just don't have the energy to go out and be sociable right now. Plus sitting there while everyone else is drinking sucks, for want of a better word. Have you ever wanted to talk to drunk people? They SMELL! Going to the cinema is ok; it's relatively short, I can sit down and don't have to speak to anyone! I'm not into cooking right now either, which is worrying. I don't think I'm eating as well as I should be. God I sound miserable. Actually, I am! Temporarily, I hope.

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