So I saw another different midwife today. She seems nice and has said that I can stay with her now rather than seeing someone different each time. She was actually pretty shocked that I'd seen different people each time.
I asked her about the possibility of a home birth. She was really excited about it! She said that none of her ladies are having home births at the moment and that she likes them. This really surprised me because everyone I've spoken to and most things I've read on the internet say that midwives aren't a fan of home births. A pleasant surprise then - she even said that it was the best way to get one to one care during the birth! Phew, I'm now relieved. All we need to do now is figure out how to afford a birthing pool. It may have to be born in the bath teehee! Just kidding. I said that to Simon and he nearly died. Hahaha...
We're off to America for 18 days tomorrow. I'm nervous about all the travelling. The trip was planned before we knew about le bump so will see how it goes. I'm sure it'll be fine.